Sunday, February 24, 2008

Updated DBU Indexes-

(#7- 24.02.08)



In response to requests specially from persons overseas who have made inquiries about their roots in Sri Lanka , the names of FOUNDER FAMILIES, VOC SERVANTS and FAMILIES OF EUROPEAN DESCENT whose genealogies are published in the Journals of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon are listed below. ( The Index of Genealogies published in Vol. 58 [1968] was updated in December 2005 )

1. Founder Families:

Arndt, Austin, Andree, Altendorff,Anthonisz,Auwardt,Bogaars,Beling,Brohier,Conradi,Dornhorst, De Boer, De NeysDe Kretser, De Jong, De Vos, Ebert, Ebell, Erfson, Ephraums,Fretz, Fryer, Francke, Foenander, Felsinger, Gauder, Giessler, Gratiaen, Grenier, Heyzer, Jonklaas, Kriekenbeek, Kellar, Keegal, Lorenz, Lodovici, Leembruggen, Lourensz, Loos, Landsberger, Meerwald, Mooyart, Mottau, Meurling, Oppenheimer, Ohlmus,Piachaud, Potger, Poulier, Runtsdorff, Roosmalecocq, Rode, Schroter, Schrader, Stork, Scharff, Schokman, Spittel, Sela, Sissouw, Schumacher, van Ranzow, von Hagt, Vollenhoven, Wendt.

2. The Dutch East India Company (VOC) Servants

Aldons, Anthonisz, Bartholomeusz, Buultjens, de Hoedt,de Jong, de Moor, de Niese, de Rooy, de Vos, Deutrom,Dirckze ,Fretz ,Garnier, Gratiaen, Heynsbergh,Kalenberg,Keegal, Koch,Loos,
Ludovici,Mack, Meurling Modder, Pompeus, Poulier, Prins, Roosmalecocq, Schneider,
Schrader, Smith, Stork,Toussaint, van Buuren, van der Wert, van Dort, A , van Dort, C, van Geyzel,Vollenhoven , Woutersz,

3. Families of European Descent (who were not Founder Families or employed by the VOC :

Anderson, Albrecht, Armstrong, Alvis,Barbut,Beekmeyer,Blaze,Beven,Bilsborough,Caspersz,
Christoffelsz,Cordiner,Conderlaag,Carron,Collette,Claessen,Crozier ,Colomb, Crowe,Demmer, De Bruin, Drieberg, Dickman, Da Silva, Daniels.De La Harpe, De Hoedt, Edema, Ernst, Eaton, Fybrandsz,Ferdinands,Gogerly,Garvin,Gilles,Heyn,Hulft,Hepponstall,Hasselmeyer,Hughes,
Hoffman,Hole,Herft, Honter,Hesse, Joseph, Jansz, Jansze,Jennings,Keuneman, Kreltszheim,
Keith, Kerfbyl,Loftus,Ludekns,Lemphers,La Brooy, Martensz,Morgan,Meier,Meynert,
Martensteyn, Misso, Maartensz, Moldrich, Martin, Muller, Nicholas, Nagel, Nell, Oorloff,
Paulusz, Prigge, Perkins, Poppenbeek, Raymond, Redlich,Rose, Reimers, Raffel, Scharenguivel, Sparr,Swan, Sproule, Speldewinde, Siebel, Staples, Sansoni, Thome, Thuring, Thiedeman,
Uhlenbeek,vander Wall,vander Wert,van Hagt, van Twest, vander Smagt,van Cuylenberg,
van den Driesen,van Geyzel,van Houten, van der Straaten, vanLangenberg,vonDrieberg,
Wambeek, Walbeoff, Wright,Willenberg,Wille,Weinman,Werkmeister, Williams ,Wittensleger.

4. Familes thought to be of Jewish Origin--- J B Muller [2].

Altendorff, Anderson, Arndt, Daniels, deJong, Ephraums, Felsinger,Joseph, Kalenberg,Kellar,Koch, Leembruggen,Landsberger,Martensteyn, Martin,Meier,Nicholas, Nagel,Oppenheimer,Oorloff, Reimers, Runtsdorff, Rose,Scharff,Schneider,Schumacher, Smith,Van Dort, Werkmeister, Willenberg .


[1] Compiled by Wg Cdr (Retd) E H Ohlmus

[2] “The Burghers” by JB Muller - Chapter 8 titled ‘Semitic Ancestors’, pages 85 and 95 - 97. A footnote by Muller state “this is an incomplete list as continuing research is revealing a rather strong ‘Jewish Connection’ amongst the Burghers regardless of whether their ancestors came with the Portuguese, the Dutch or the British.”

Monday, February 18, 2008


(# 5) 19.02.08
[Volume I, pages 37, 38, 39,40, 85,86,87,88, 158,159 & 160]

Altendorff, Marten Lodeywk (1730-1749)--Andree, Frederick (1759-1784)
an Andringa , Olke --(1770-1801)--Anthonisz, Abraham (1736-1778)
Angier, Jan Jacob--(1788-1794) --Auwardt, Jan Baptist (1750-1770)
Beling, Johan Fredrick (1774-)--Beling, William Carel (1766-17800 )
von Bergheim,Bernard Hendrik(1764-)--De Boer,Lourens (1796-1814)
Bogaars,Henricus Exekiel (1790-1811)-- De Bordes,Jacobus (1771-1781)
Borwater, Jan Hendrik(1771-1776) --De Breard ,Marie Joseph Benjaamin (1788-1805)
Brochet DeLa Touperse, Louis(1760 )--vanden Broeck ,Arnoud (1717)
Brohier, Phillipus Mattheus (1780-1798)-Buitenmuller, Johan (1796-1805)
Camp, Christiaan (1796-1805)--van Charlet, Jacob (1725-1733)
Conderlag, Johannes (1782-1796)--Condradi, John Fredrik(1776-1802)
Cramer,Robertus (1735-1760) --van Cuylenberg,Wilhelmus Phillipus(1741-1762)
Dormieux,Abraham (1676-) --Dornhorst, Jonathan Christiaan (1785-1828)
van Dort, Cornelis Jansz (1700-1740)--Ebell, Carl Fredrich (1773-1805)
Ebert Georg Godfried(1725-1742)--Ephraums, Coenraad Christiaan(1785-1813)
Erfson, Johannes (1738-1760)-- Estrop, David Hendrik (1774-1796)
Ernst, Georg Nicolaas (1785-) --D’Estandau, Jean Jacque David (1788-1815)
Felsinger, Nicolaas (1760-1780)--Falck, Frans Willem (1720-1737)
Flanderka,Petrus (1793-1820)-- Foenander, Samual Pieter (1780-1800)
Fryer, Coenraad (1789-1800)--Francke,Adrianus Johan (1756-1773)
Fretsz, Diedrich Thomas (1763-1815)--Fretsz,Frans Philip (1785-1820)
Frobus, Christiaan Lourens (1738-1750)--Gauder, Joan Adam (1796-1828)
van Geyzel,Frans (1679-1689)--Gilbert, Jan Jacob (1768-1777)
Gildmeester, Jan Danie (1753-1760)--Giessler, Albert Henry (1790- )
Goldestein, Daniel (1743-1754)--Gouillard, Noel August (1787-1796)
Gratiaen,Johannes Franciscus(1747-178 --Grenier, Jean Francois (1762-1770)
DeHaart, Benjamin Pieter (1786-1803)--von Hagt, Augustus (1743-1770)
Halwachs, Carl Frederick Willem (1797-1806)--van Hek, Andries (1790-)
Heyzer, Jan Pieter (1740-1766)--Ide, Hendrik Jansz,(1732-1742)
Ide, Gerrit Hendriksz(1738-1760)--Jansz, Albert (1173-1760)
De Jong, Huybert (1740-1792)--Jonklaas, Simon Ysbrandz (1767-1771)
Joseph,Abraham (1790-1817)--Kellar,Steven (1770-1784)
Kriekenbeek, van Rutgerus (1659-) --
De Kretser, Louis 1684-1695)--Keegal,Johannes Gustavus (1763-1791)
Kessels, Jacobus (1793-1801)--Kofferman,Harmanus Fredrick(1766-1771)
Konst,Severinus (1782-1794)-- Kersse,Gerradus (1734-1764)
Leembruggen,Henricus (1744-1782)- Lodovici,Jan Hendrik (1789-1804
Lorenz, Johan Friederich (1795-1845)-- Lebeck, Noel Anthony (1736-1770)
van Lynden, Baron Stephen,(1793-1811)--De Lannoy,Adam (1769-1794)
De Ly,Arnoldus (1756-1768)-- Landsberger, Johannes (1766-1775)
Loos,Jacob Pietersz (1680-1702)-- Lourensz, Hendrik(1724-1729)
Mooyaart, Anthony (1667-1683)-- Mottau, Andreus Wilhelmus (1794-1806)
De Mauregnault, Jan (1723-1732)-- Meurling, Johannes (1745-1802)
Mylius, Baron Friedrich Heinrich (1795-1807)-- Meerwald, Daniel (1772-1782)
von Meybrink, Johan Fredrik (1786-1798)--De Neys, Jacob (1783-1798) Oppenheimer,Johannes Casparus(1771-1784)--Ohlmus,Jan Carel(1760-1780)
van der Parra, Rombout (1683-1714)--Poulier,Armout (1714-1726)
Potger,Everhard Lodewyk (1751-1761)--Pfeiffer,John Christoffel (1739-1772)
Paravincini di Capelli, Elias (1766-1787)--Piachaud,Francois(1795-)--
Roosmale Cocq,Petrus Jacobus(1764-1813) --Rudolph, Jan (1765-1787)
von Ranzow, Count Ferdinand Anthon(1737-1758) -Rabinel, Jean David (1790-1800)
von Ranzow, Count August Carl Fredrik (1789-1844 )--Reckerman, Jan Hendrik (1763-1770)
Runtsdorff, Everhard (1732-)Rode ,Balthazar (1739-)--Roerbach, Chritiaan (1772-1780)
Schokman, Jan Arentsz (1697-1712) --Sulysken, Pieter (1759-1807)
Stork, Jan Philip ( 1771-1785) --Schrader, Julius(1713-1736)
Schneider, Johan Hendrik (1772-1794) --van der Smagt, Ary Carelsz (1736-1745)
Sela,.Albert (1763-1780) -- Samlant, Barent Barentsz (1677-1687)
Sisouw,Marinus (1784-1800) --van Schuler,Pieter William Ferdinand ( 1783-1799
Schroter,Frederik(1751-1805)--Scharff, Jan Christoffel (1743-1754)
van Sprang, Arnoldus (1747-1751)--Spittel,Jan Lourens(1760-1805)
van der Straaten,Engelbert(1742-1790)--Smitz, Joseph (1790-1805)
Schumacher,Frederik Willem (1772-1778)--Trek, Gillis Woutersz (1690-1705)
Tranchell, Johannes (1779-1805) -- De Vos, Olivier (1673-1699)
Vollenhoven, Hendrik (1766-1784)-- Wendt, George (1792-1815)
Wolfdaal, Johan Hendrik (1786-1796) --van Zitter , Claas (1700-1713)
Zeehuyzen, Johannes(1792-1799).

(** Many of the descendants of these founders of families did not remain in Ceylon ; and of those who stayed behind and were living when the DBU was founded in 1908, did not submit their genealogies for authentication and publication in the DBU Journals)


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ancetral Lines.-OHLMUS & LOOS

(#2) 16.02.2008

Richard Andrew Ohlmus, Ryan Michael Ohlmus and
Wing Commander (Retd.) E H Ohlmus of Sri Lanka
(All references made here relate to the Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon , Volumes 1, 9, 28,39 & 66. Events and occurrences herein not supported by a JDBU reference since 1954, are duly authenticated by birth, baptismal, marriage, divorce and death certificates issued by the Government of Sri Lanka.
(Updated at Colombo Sri Lanka -1st Feb 2008)


JAN CAREL OHLMÜS, born in Hildesheim , Germany,arrived in the ship “Amelisvaart” , living in Ceylon 1760-1780, ( JDBU Vol.1 page 158) married in the Dutch Reformed Church, Wolvendaal , 12th May 1763, Dona Regina de Silva, died 3rd August 1801. (JDBU Vol, 28 page 167 ).Their only son, Lodewyk Johannes Ohlmus follows at 2 .

2. LODEWYK JOHANNES OHLMÜS, born 11th November 1764,died 11th July 1894, married in the Dutch Reformed Church, Wolvendaal,30th October 1791, Petronella Elisabeth Hoffman, baptized 15th May 1774,died 9th February 1847, daughter of Jan Leopold Hoffman and Johanna Carolina Hoffland .(JDBU Vol.ol. 28 Page167) .Their eldest son, Johannes Lambertus Ohlmus follows at 3.

3. JOHANNES LAMBERTUS OHLMÜS, born 2nd December 1792.died 10th June 1856, married in the Dutch Reformed Church, Wolvendaal, 26th September 1825, Dorothea Maria Eichler, died 17th December 1840, widow of Thomas Geradus Hoffland.. (JDBU Vol.28 Page 168) Their eldest son, Henry Lewis Ohlmu who follows at 4.
4. HENRY LEWIS OHLMÜS, born 30th March 1833,died 24th November 1901, married in St Philip Neri’s Church, Pettah, Colombo 21st November 1866 , Sophia Mary Fernando,born 12h June 1848, died 8th March 1933, daughter of Henricus Marcianus Fernando and Elisabeth Foressie. (JDBU Vol. 28 Page 171) .Their second son, Edward Haddon Ohlmus follows at 5. 5. Dr EDWARD HADDON OHLMÜS, LRCP&S (Edin.) , LFP&S (Glas.) born 18th October 1868,died 11th January 1926, married in All Saints’ Church, Borella, Colombo. 21st June 1900,Ethel Winifred Rodrigue, born 12th October 1876,died 30th December 1944, daughter of Edward John Rodrigue and Eliza Lydia Jansz. (JDBU Vol. 28 Page 175) .Their second son, Edward Noel Ohlmus follows at 6.
6. EDWARD NOEL OHLMÜS, born 5th December 1904,died 5th July 198 , married in All Saints’ Church, Borella, Colombo, 30th December 1936, Inez Cecil Loos, born 13th March 1916, daughter of Bertram Cecil Loos and Sylvia Matilda Loos.(JDBU Vol 28, page 178 and JDBU Vol.39 page 118).Their eldest son, Ethelbert Haddon Ohlmus follows at 7.

7. Wing Commander ETHELBERT HADDON OHLMÜS,born 20th November 1937
Married in St Mary’s Church, Bambalapitiya, Colombo, 31st December 1976, Pamela
Rosemary Virginia Diaz, born 24 th November 1951, daughter of Priam Orville John Diaz and Palma Scholistica Diaz. (JDBU Vol. 66 page 38). Their sons living in Sri Lanka :
1.RICHARD ANDREW OHLMÜS –born. 17th .February 1980 .
2.RYAN MICHAEL OHLMÜS - born 17th September 1981 .


1. JACOB PIERTESZ LOOS, Superintendant of the Durch East India Company’s Armoury, born in Amsterdam 15th February 1655, died in Colombo 8th January 1702 (JDBU Vol. 1 page 88) married in Colombo, 1st June 1681,Margarita Dirksz de Vries (JDBU Vol. 39 page 104).Their second child and eldest son, Pieter Loos follows at 2.

2. PIETER LOOS, Boekhouder, baptized 21t November 1686, died in 1752, married Florinda d'Orta. (JDBU Vol. 39 Page 104). Their second son, Hermanus Loos follows at 3

3. HERMANUS LOOS, Assistant in the Dutch East India Company, married in the Dutch Reformed Church Wolvendaal, 7th July 1767, Elizabeth Johanna Erfson ,baptized 21st February 1740 daughter of Johannes Erfson, Krankbezoeker and Maria Ligtveld (JDBU Vol.9 page 71 and JDBU Vol. 39 page 104). Their fourth son, Pieter Loos follows at 4.

4. PIETER LOOS ,baptized 28th July 1776 married in the Dutch Reformed Church Wolvendaal 31t July 1796, Johanna Sophia Van Dort, baptized 4th February 1776,daughter of Gerhart Elias Van Dort and Helena Jansz (JDBU Vol.28 page 19 and JDBU Vo. 39 page 105).Their eldest son, Frederick Pieter Robertus Loos follows at 5 . .

5. FREDERICK PIETER ROBERTUS LOOS, baptized 22nd January 1797,died 14th August 1842, married in the Dutch Reformed Church Wolvendaal,14th May 1821, Anna Sophia Bertram, born 3rd May 1805, died 9th July 1851,daughter of John Godlieb Bertram and Gertruida Cornelia Erfson, widow of Jan Fredrik Ruhne. (JDBU Vol. 9 page 72 and JDBU Vol. 39 page 107). Their fourth child and second son, Charles Edmund Richard Loos follows at 6.

6. CHARLES EDMUND RICHARD LOOS, born 17th June 1829,died 24th June 1894,married in the Dutch Reformed Church Wolvendaal, 10th September 1856, Eliza Matilda Rodrigue, born 22nd May 1837, died 4th March 1890, daughter of Hermanus Dionysius Rodrigue and Jacoba Pieris.(JDBU Vol.39 paage 109)..Their second son Owen Julian Loos follows at 7.

7. OWEN JULIEN LOOS, born 13th November 1838, died in 1925 married in the Dutch Reformed Church Wolvendaal 13th October 1881 Laura Sophia Elisabeth Pieris ,born 18th January 1864 ,died 31st July 1934, daughter of Edward Pieris and Susan Louisa Williams.(JDBU Vol.38 page 113).Their second son, Bertie Cecil Loos follows at 8.
8. BERTIE CECIL LOOS , born 1st August 1885, died 21st February 1954, married in the Dutch Reformed Church, Bambalapitiya, Colombo, 6th September 1910 ,Sylvia Matilda Loos, born 9th August 1890 died 10th May 1975, daughter of James Andrew Loos and Jane Maria Elders (JDBU Vol.26 page 27 and JDBU Viol 39 pages 112,115 and 118). Their eldest daughter Inez Cecil Loos, who married Edward Noel Ohlmus,(JDBU Vol.28 pages175 and 78) follows at 9. .
9. Edward Noel Ohlmüs , born 5th December 1904,died 5th July 1989 , married in All Saints’ Church, Borella, Colombo, 30th December 1936, INEZ CECIL LOOS, born 13th March 1916, daughter of Bertram Cecil Loos and Sylvia Matilda Loos.(JDBU Vol. 28 page 178).Their eldest son, Ethelbert Haddon Ohlmus follows at 7.

10. . Wing Commander ETHELBERT HADDON OHLMÜS,born 20th November 1937, married in St Mary’s Church, Bambalapitiya, Colombo, 31st December 1976, Pamela Rosemary Virginia Diaz, born 24 th November 1951, daughter of Priam Orville John Diaz and Palma Scholistica Diaz. (JDBU Vol. 66 page 38). Their sons living in Sri Lanka :
1.RICHARD ANDREW OHLMÜS –born. 17th .February 1980 .
2.RYAN MICHAEL OHLMÜS - born. 16th September 1981 . .

(#3) 16.02.2008


A Correction of # 1

Saturday, February 9, 2008
Richard & Ryan Ohlmus-Sri Lanka (Corrected version)
This site has been opened today, 10/2/2008 to record information and data about the family and extended families/family trees of Edward Noel Ohlmus (b. 1904 d. 1989) and Inez Cecil Ohlmus (nee Loos) (b. 1916). Persons interested in this site may refer to the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon Journal Vol. 28, part 4 of 1939 , Journal vol. 66. part 1 of 1996 and Journal vol.39 vol 2.)Further information on the Ohlmus and Loos genealogies may be had by contacting Retd. Wing Commander E. H. Ohlmus ( or RYAN . Ohlmus (
Posted by OHLMUS-SRI LANKA at 11:45 PM

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Richard&Ryan Ohlmus-Sri Lanka

This site has been opened today, 10/2/2008 to record infroamtion and data about the family and extended families/family trees of Edward Noel Ohlmus (b 1904 d 1989) and Inez Cecil Ohlmus (nee Loos) (b 1916). Pesorns Interested in this site may prefer to Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon Journal vol. 28,part 4 of 1939 and journal vol. 66,part 1 of 1992.

Further information on the Ohlmus and Loos genealogies may be had by contacting Retd. Wing Commander E. H. Ohlmus ( or R. Ohlmus (